Wednesday 23 July 2014

Monitoring The Game Plan Progress

This week I began to reflect on the actions I have taken to achieve my goals of integrating technology-based communication and updating my understanding on formative and summative assessments using technology. In order to do this, I have to get used to with a variety of technology tools that grant this access, as well as assessments strategies. Due to the summer break I admittedly could not put as much as I would have liked towards applying this new technology and activity.

I learned that my school would be giving all students with a personal school email which teachers will be able to access and monitor. This assists me with the problems I had about monitoring students’ discussions and posts on the internet. After sharing my goal and concerns in related to using online communicative tools to the administrators at my school, they suggested a book called Net Cettera (OnGuardOnline, n.d.). This book has been very useful for me and has assisted solving some of my problems. In continuing with the safety concerns that I had on these internet tools, I discussed my goal with my administrators and learned that there is a permission slip in place that students get signed at the beginning of the year in order to use these tools. This was relieving because I now know that the parents of my students already have permitted them for these activities. Although I have collected a lot of information through research and colleagues at my school, I got my insightful knowledge from a friend of mine who teach in another country. She has been an excellent resource for achieving my goal and enhancing my technology usage all around. Septy suggested her strategies for using Skype with teachers from abroad, searching real-life scenarios on YouTube and having students post out about them on blogs, and using rubrics to assess their communications. I planned to use VoiceThread to upload different podcasts or scenes and having students working together with each other on different topics. We also agreed that it would be a good idea for me to see her class when she is using these tools. This will give me a first-hand experience with how students react these activities and how to design effective and efficient guidelines and activities with these tools. Thus far I do not feel that I need to change my GAME Plan. On the other hand, I do plan to research more on finding other schools to communicate with abroad. I am still very curious about using Skype, blogs, or even VoiceThread. Is it better to put one student to another student in the corresponding class, like a pen pal program? What is and effective and efficient amount of time needed for students to spend using this tool per week? Are there any good tips or suggestions for designing a common rubric for these activities?

I haven't had as much excitement with my second goal of learning more about assessments and technology combined. I did learned a lot through our class resources this week, especially Chapter 6. I was able to read about the variety types of assessments and how technology can be used with them. Technology can also make collecting, analyzing and reporting data more organized and efficient (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009). I need to work more on this goal. I might also be able to talk with my colleague and ask teachers from other areas how they assess their students with and without technology integration. Has anyone had any suggestion? I don't feel I need to make any changes on my action plan at this time. I am just going to continue to make connections and ask questions.

Any suggestions or recommendations will be greatly appreciated.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Assessment and Evaluation. Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

OnGuardOnline. Stop Think Click. (n.d.). Net Cettera, Chatting with Kids About Being Online. Retrieved from:


  1. Tjandra-

    It seems that your superiors are fully on board with your plan and goals. It is great to know that your district has a permission slip in place and you have been given permission to set up email accounts for students. Above that, you are also allowed to monitor their accounts! I never wanted my students to feel that I was invading their space, yet I wanted to make sure that I was keeping everyone safe and sound while being on the internet in my presence.

    It seems that you are making great progress and are finding a lot of answers to your questions! Is there anything that you are still worried about? How often will you monitor each students account? How will you bring this matter to the children's attention, for instance do you think any of them will give you problems with wanting to access and monitor their accounts?

    Thank you for sharing!

  2. Tjandra,

    Wow it seems as though you have accomplished a lot. I also found out that I am able to get my students an email and that their is already a permission slip in place for this. I am so excited to explore the possibilities of these tools. I do understand your concern about online environments, and I am glad you found a resources to help you feel more comfortable.
    It is also awesome that you will have someone to observe using some of the tools. I think seeing things first hand is very helpful and can go a long way to helping implementation.
    As for technology that can help with assessments add Mastery Connect to your list. It is for forced-answer type questions, but it helps with speed of grading and reports etc.
    Keep Going! You are doing great and you are on the right track!
