Tuesday 3 December 2013

Implications For The Classroom

Integrating technology in the classroom is a very powerful tool to change the way students learn. In order for technology assimilation to be transformational, teacher must purposefully craft, ground the lesson in the basic of effective teaching and learning, and pair with the appropriate application based on the focus of the lesson. There are ways in which a well-constructed, technology-rich learning environment can result in boosted motivation and deeper student learning. 
I am a homeroom teacher of grade 5 (five) Kristiansand International school, Norway. My students are about 10-11 (ten to eleven) years old. I have a small class size consist of 8 (eight) students who come from Czech Republic, German-Norway, England-Wales, England-Norway, England-Pakistan, Sweden, United Arab Emirates, and Thailand-Norway. We have one laptop connected to the wireless passworded internet in the classroom. Even though the internet is passworded, when the students bring their own laptops, the homeroom teacher can connect them to the internet. We also have 16 (sixteen) laptops in the Information Technology (IT) Lab which are connected to the wireless internet. Students have IT lesson once a week for 60 (sixty) minutes. In addition to that, the homeroom teacher may take the class to the IT Lab for working as long as there is a time slot available or the homeroom has booked the IT Lab. At the library, we also have one computer connected to the wireless internet. At home, most of my students have at least one computer or a laptop or a tablet/IPad that is connected to the internet. The parents set limited time for students to use it, especially when they use it for having fun (playing games). On the other hand they do not set any limited time when the students use it for doing the school project at home.
We had a unit of inquiry that focused on Fantasy. I wanted my students to learn on how to analyse three fantasy stories. I wanted my students to develop their communication skills. Some of my students will get the benefit on how to improve their self-management skills. I also want them to improve their collecting and organizing data skills. For the summative task, I asked my students to combine three popular fantasy stories that they know into one fantasy story. The final product for the summative task was a fantasy short clip using Windows Movie Maker. First, the students were guided to find the stories from Sparklebox website (http://sparklebox.co.uk/). Then, the students were guided to download the material (images) from Fantasy and Fiction topic on Sparklebox website (http://www.sparklebox.co.uk/topic/fantasy/#.Upx583Csim4). The downloaded materials were in PDF format. My students were guided to convert the downloaded images onto JPG format using PDF2JPG website (http://pdf2jpg.net/). After that, I guided my students to crop the images using Paint program. The next process was to combine the images using Windows Movie Maker program. After they had combined the images, and put a narration for the lip, the students were asked to find suitable music, from Youtube website (http://www.youtube.com/) that would accompany the clip. Once, they found the music they downloaded the music using Keepvid website (http://www.keepvid.com/). The downloaded music was inserted onto the fantasy clip as their final product.
Next year, when we have the same unit of inquiry focus, I would like to teach my students using blog, especially Kidblog (http://kidblog.org/home/) so that they are more prepare when they are doing the Exhibition as the final project at grade 5 (five). I will provide my students blog page for each student. I connect the student blogs with my blogs. I will blog the instruction (step by step for making the summative task) that the students will need to follow and do at home. I will also ask my students give comment or feedback to their friends once a week). By doing so, my students are working collaboratively using the technology, not only at school but also at home. This experience will transform my classroom from an ordinary teacher-centered into more students-centered since the students will discuss and work collaboratively outside the class more.       

SparkleBox Teacher Resources Limited. December 2, 2013. Sparklebox website. Retrieved from http://sparklebox.co.uk/
Bernard, Philippe. December 2, 2013.  PDF2JPG website. Retrieved from http://pdf2jpg.net/
Youtube, LLC. December 2, 2013. Youtube. Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/
Keepvid website. December 2, 2013. Keepvid download streaming videos. Retrieved from http://www.keepvid.com/

Kidblog, Inc. December 2, 2013. Kidblog. Retrieved from http://kidblog.org/home/

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