Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Monitoring The Game Plan Progress

This week I began to reflect on the actions I have taken to achieve my goals of integrating technology-based communication and updating my understanding on formative and summative assessments using technology. In order to do this, I have to get used to with a variety of technology tools that grant this access, as well as assessments strategies. Due to the summer break I admittedly could not put as much as I would have liked towards applying this new technology and activity.

I learned that my school would be giving all students with a personal school email which teachers will be able to access and monitor. This assists me with the problems I had about monitoring students’ discussions and posts on the internet. After sharing my goal and concerns in related to using online communicative tools to the administrators at my school, they suggested a book called Net Cettera (OnGuardOnline, n.d.). This book has been very useful for me and has assisted solving some of my problems. In continuing with the safety concerns that I had on these internet tools, I discussed my goal with my administrators and learned that there is a permission slip in place that students get signed at the beginning of the year in order to use these tools. This was relieving because I now know that the parents of my students already have permitted them for these activities. Although I have collected a lot of information through research and colleagues at my school, I got my insightful knowledge from a friend of mine who teach in another country. She has been an excellent resource for achieving my goal and enhancing my technology usage all around. Septy suggested her strategies for using Skype with teachers from abroad, searching real-life scenarios on YouTube and having students post out about them on blogs, and using rubrics to assess their communications. I planned to use VoiceThread to upload different podcasts or scenes and having students working together with each other on different topics. We also agreed that it would be a good idea for me to see her class when she is using these tools. This will give me a first-hand experience with how students react these activities and how to design effective and efficient guidelines and activities with these tools. Thus far I do not feel that I need to change my GAME Plan. On the other hand, I do plan to research more on finding other schools to communicate with abroad. I am still very curious about using Skype, blogs, or even VoiceThread. Is it better to put one student to another student in the corresponding class, like a pen pal program? What is and effective and efficient amount of time needed for students to spend using this tool per week? Are there any good tips or suggestions for designing a common rubric for these activities?

I haven't had as much excitement with my second goal of learning more about assessments and technology combined. I did learned a lot through our class resources this week, especially Chapter 6. I was able to read about the variety types of assessments and how technology can be used with them. Technology can also make collecting, analyzing and reporting data more organized and efficient (Cennamo, Ross, & Ertmer, 2009). I need to work more on this goal. I might also be able to talk with my colleague and ask teachers from other areas how they assess their students with and without technology integration. Has anyone had any suggestion? I don't feel I need to make any changes on my action plan at this time. I am just going to continue to make connections and ask questions.

Any suggestions or recommendations will be greatly appreciated.


Cennamo, K., Ross, J. & Ertmer, P. (2009). Assessment and Evaluation. Technology integration for meaningful classroom use: A standards-based approach. (Laureate Education, Inc., Custom ed.). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.

OnGuardOnline. Stop Think Click. (n.d.). Net Cettera, Chatting with Kids About Being Online. Retrieved from:

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Carrying Out My Game Plan

Last week, I shared the NETS-T standards and which ones I believed I needed further improvement on. This week I will start to carry out my GAME Plan by analyzing what resources I need, what additional information I will need, and identifying steps that I have taken so far.

The first NETS performance indicator that I choose is Standard 1- D Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Model collaborative knowledge construction engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments (ISTE, 2008). To integrate communicative multimedia tools and make sure that they are applied accordingly, I have to research the tools that I would like to use. I decided to start with Skype and VoiceThread. I have background knowledge about both programs. I can use my background knowledge to expand my understanding and skills especially on how to use it for educational purposes since so far I have used them for my personal issues only. Therefore, I have to learn more about these tools and how they can be employed in the classroom. I will also have to get the school internet protocol and discuss with the administrators about any inputs they may have for integrating these tools and sharing with parents. I am sure to get the understanding and materials necessary to carry out my plan. To start using communicative multimedia tools, I have to research and collaborate with my colleague, to plan an activity that integrates these tools. Next, I must contact other professional to analyze which tools are best to do my goal. I will also need to share with other educators in my district to find out who has been using communicative tools, what protocols they have in place, and how they use them. I must also write a reflective journal of my reflections throughout my research, collaboration, and implementation process. To date I have already begun collaborating with the other teachers about using these collaborative tools such as Skype in our classes. I have also got the school safe internet usage policy and found out that it integrate the application of blogs, wikis, and other web 2.0 tools. I have also started discussions with the other teachers and other peers about what tools have been used in the district and how.

The second NETS performance indicator that I choose is Standard 2-D Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experience and Assessments: Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching (ISTE, 2008). Materials for figuring out more knowledge about assessment will probably be any information, articles, or reviews I can find online, my colleagues and classmates, and software programs. A friend suggested me a few inputs for the assessment using technology, Examview and I will also want to search on what types of online assessment different schools are employing. To do this, I will need to contact different school and note down the assessment methods that appeal to me.

Technology grants educators the flexibility to empower a wide variety of students regardless of their diverse needs. All students have their opportunities to study and express themselves, in a way that is meaningful to them (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). Technology gives the chances for students to be creative and express their personal relations to real experiences and situations. I am eagerly looking forward to getting the understanding and confidence to start employing these tools with my students so that I can further help their learning experience. All children can learn and have their own unique gifts, and it is up to the teacher to analyze those gifts and give options and chances that grant them to grow those gifts (Laureate Education, Inc., 2011). Any inputs and suggestions that you can give to me regarding my goals will be appreciated.


Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive Producer). (2011) Meeting students’ needs with technology, part 2. [Video webcast]. Retrieved from

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Developing Personal GAME Plan

This week I had the to chance analyze the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) website and paid attention more on National Education Standards for Teachers (NETS). I had an opportunity to assess my skills to meet the various standards and indicators. This encouraged me to select two standards and performance indicators that I would like to improve on most.

The first NETS performance indicator that I choose is Standard 1- D Facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity: Model collaborative knowledge construction engaging in learning with students, colleagues, and others in face-to-face and virtual environments (ISTE, 2008). 
My Goal for this area will be to gather the different technology tools available that encourage students to collaborate with other students across the world. I understand that there are plenty of technology tools available to educators that grant students to take active part in and provide realistic conditions while collaborate with other students virtually. My Action plan is to find out other educators through internet research that have applied similar tools in their lessons and equip myself of what worked best, how they used the different tools, what were the pros and cons of applying these tools, and any other inputs they may have. I also plan to find out professional development workshops on blogging and other collaborative software that will be usefull in developing my knowledge and confidence in applying online communicative tools in my classroom. I will Monitor my action by keeping a record of what I have learned throughout my action plan and based on my reflections throughout the process. This will assist me to analyze what I have learned, what I can apply, how I can apply it, and what else I need to know before I employ it. By monitoring my actions and record my steps and findings, I will also find out whether or not I have improved anything useful from my searches, communications with peers, and workshops and make necessary changes or adjustments to meet my goal. Lastly, I will Evaluate my level of understanding and confidence improved with the various tools and the activity. I will look back at my reflections and ask my colleague for their thoughts on the activity, as well. I will also survey the students and ask them to look back on their experiences employing the communication tools. As I collect the various information, I will reflect and revise as necessary and plan future learning engagements according to the necessary revisions. I will also Extend my understanding of the various tools and my experience with them to other educators.

The second NETS performance indicator that I choose is Standard 2-D Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experience and Assessments: Provide students with multiple and varied formative and summative assessments aligned with content and technology standards and use resulting data to inform learning and teaching (ISTE, 2008). 
My Goal will be to get use to with the various kinds of assessment, especially assessment when working with technology. The Action I take will be to have discussion with other teachers about what the types of assessment tools they employ and why they chose those methods. I would also like to work together with other teachers from different countries to find out their point of view on student assessment when integrating technology and content area learning. I will have to Monitor what I learned by collecting some type of record of different assessment methods. Finally, I would Evaluate my learning by actually employing some of these strategies and reflecting on the results.

I am confident that with this GAME Plan, I will make significant understanding towards developing meaningful, safe, and engaging learning experiences for my students that will last a life-time. Any inputs and suggestions that you can give to me regarding my goals will be appreciated.

International Society for Technology in Education. (2008). National education standards for teachers (NETS-T). Retrieved from